Presque Isle the 10th of March 1803
My Dear Friend
I arrived at this place on the 4th ins with my waggon was the first that adventured on the ice this year & I believe the first that ever came on the lake with a waggon I was but part of two days from Cattarauquis to this place.– I left part of my load at Buffaloe Creek but did not sell it the remainder I brought home where money is scarce & times dull but hope to despose of them to good advantage— you will be surprised at the high price of fur in this country any thing in the shape of A Bear skin will fetch from six to nine dollars & every other Kind in proportion. — Land stealing is yet in fashion But of this captain Marvin will inform you. You will doubtless see Him before this reaches you — Democracy is triumphant in the state & our wise legislature are going to prohibit the federal court from taking cognisance of the Land stealing business in this quarter.… Our present Legislature you might know are omnipotent..they are the mighty people and should they be inclined to abolish your Superior Court in Connecticut they can do it by the the word of their power & for the honor of their Magistry-the The matrimonial fever has raged here this winter our list of Batchelors has lesned considerable. Thos. Stewart & Jonathan Baird are among the number that have deserted their standard and their is great suspition that Martin Strong as going to slip his neck into the noose— Your friend Wilson has quit the town and came to his farm to live and is now a neighbour to me this is what he ought to have done before this.– There is a petition gone forward to the legislature for a turnpike road lershma Liverpool which will probably be granted. — I might conclude wishing you health happiness & prosperity. let me hear from you often adue for the present beleave me ever yours
Mr. Henry Wyles
MAJ R. Bissell
Mr. Henry Wyles Merchant
Hartford, Connecticut
Benjamin Russell to Henry Wyles, 1801-1803, Box: 1, Folder: 28. Wyles Family Western Reserve Collection, MS-079. Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives.