1832/04/07 Letter from Abel Burt to John Wyles, Jr.

Brimfield, April 7th 1832

Dear Sir

Mr. Edward Parsons of this Town will start to morrow morning for Brimfield. I embrace the opportunity to write to you thou it is a long time since we have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from you and I have forgot when I have written to you believe me when I say it is not for want of sincere friendship I have for you that it has been neglected: I believe this Town has improved since the change of name your lands are allmost all sold their remain No 48; 49; 51; 62; half of 59/ ; 58; half of 64/ 65;66; half of 41; half of 69/ those sold have been sold at fair prices and for sure pay some are making large improvements lot 70 is sold to a Mr. Richards has made hundred acres of improvemints has built a large two story house on the same this season for further particulars I will refer you to Mr. Parsons Esqr Sloane has purchased the common for forty dollars Uncle Osborn puts up a two story house this season a number Of houses & barns will be Built this year in Town I talk of putting up a small addition to my house this season with calls walls the front on the back part Uncle Jim Moulton built a house last summer Abner keeps about the same made some little improvement since you was here. keeps up the high sum as usual, no prospect of paying for his land. I wish you would sell it for what it is worth deduct your pay and give Abner the remainder it would sell for six hundred dollars

Capt. Sherman and family are well appear to be well contented Capt [damage] Speaks of the Country in very high terms, I presume he would not exchange forms with you even hands, complains of Uncle Billy because he would not let him have part of the what I think the Capt will do well, he makes a little to many money contracts not being originated with the mode of doing business in Ohio calls on Esq Sloane for a little cash on  your promise Mr Parsons is wishing to bring Augustus farms com to this town to live he has mentioned the Abner Moulton farm, I wish you would try to convince him that it is best for him to come here he would better himself very much, tell John Bond to ship his mule from Capt Charles grasp the sooner the better he can see the fate of all his situation I have selected  lot No 64 south half for him it is good land as any in town Tell him to come with his family we will put him up a house & get him into it in three days, I wish to make Some arrangement with you so that I may have lot No 66 for Davenport so that we can pay for it he thinks he can pay for some of it by working out or by making improvements raising stock and grain it seems important I should make some arangement for some land soon probably [crossed out] that nearly all be taken up this season, we expect you here this summer I think it will be for your interest to come Esqr. Sloane says you must come you must write me by Mr. Parsons he is a very worthy good citizen he will give you all the particulars we are all in good health our best respects to all who may inquire.

With much respect and esteem I remain your sincere friend

Abel Burt

John Wyles Esqr.



Abel Burt to John Wyles, Jr., 1825-1832, Box: 1, Folder: 12. Wyles Family Western Reserve Collection, MS-079. Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives.