1802/11/19 Letter from Daniel Bissell to John Wyles, Sr.

Fort Massac

Indian Territory

Nov. 19th 1802

Dear Sir

I have anxiously waited for Several months for letters from you as some on who is as much interested as myself in the Presque Isle business, but I have waited in vain, wheather you have received anything from them or not, I am entirely ignorant of it. I wrote from Pittsburgh in may last that I had seen Esqr. Collins and that he had collected the amount of Whairs Draft [which was] and ready for us. That I, thought best to get everything out of his hand as fast as we could with ailing. I do not think him dishonest but I fear he is negligent but upon the whole that there is any one that would do better by us than he would.

Your note, against me has been due for several days, was I in that country I would be able to settle it immediately but you must wait until I have an opportunity to send the money which I now have on hand at this plan. I presume that there is.

I am considerable in documents as of our collections of Dutch, I beg you will write me the situation of our affairs, my brother Leverett has not given me a scratch of a pen I will (would) of left home, please remember me to Friend Henry and believe me.

Very Respectfully Your obedient servant

Mr. John Wyles Daniel Bissell

Mr. John Wyles


East Hartford Connecticut

Daniel Bissell to John Wyles, Sr., 1798-1810, Box: 1, Folder: 1. Wyles Family Western Reserve Collection, MS-079. Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives.