1807/12/17 Letter from Daniel Bissell to Leverett Bissell

Northampton Massachusetts

December 17th 1801

Dear Brother 

I have not heard a word from my friends in East Hartford since I left the state I feel anxious to know how our affairs are at Presque Isle. I think that you stand in in your own light by not embracing the present time of moving to that country and purchasing our lands. The profitable days for the former in this country is over produce in six months will be as low as it has been since the first setlement of america and better lands must increes in value as long as we increes in _aprelation which never was more Radical in the United States than at the present time – busines at Presque Isle might be done to give advantage – Capt Rofs Burd  of the first Regiment is there with his company, which will access a grat deal of money to be in circulation – in the country produce will never be higher in that country then it will be for ten years to come. You have

You have a family which wanted be of great service to you in that country. Your boys An amount large enough to take charge of the farming building and in a very few years you wanted be able to give each of your children a farm and Reserve a handsom property to yourself sufficiently large to make you independent for life – I say that nothing have unforeseen and uncommon accidents can present it how admitting this to be true which I believe you and may Rational beings as earth will admit is proviable and nothing but the finger of the almighty can provit will you suffer ___ to keep you in East Hartford against your intent and your future happiness. I think if you will [damaged] Ro___ time one moment c___g you will ___ and not be influenced by a woman. Or by anything else [damaged] which may prevent you doing a thing so much to your a ___ – you have only become a man of property by moving then but a man of much Respectability. And I believe the society at this moment is Better at Presque Isle, then it is where you live, Mr Cats you know would be your  ___ abd I am informed several others very worthy families an now at the ___ and await(about?) in – ___ buy you to think jealousy on the matter and wrote ___. The property we have them must be take if we so not do something soon [damaged] a __ and believe me your friend and most _____

Daniel Bissell

Mr. Leverett Bissell

East Hampton


Daniel Bissell to Leverett Bissell, 1798, Box: 1, Folder: 40. Wyles Family Western Reserve Collection, MS-079. Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives.